Thursday, April 30, 2009

Will we ever get to practice?

Poor little Cubbies are suffering this year from lack of practice. Anyone with a nice big building wanna donate it so we can teach our kids the fundamentals of fielding? We would be forever greatful. If we can't find a place I guess we will be having practice in the mud followed by mud wresting. Tonight I found a tick on adys thigh, those things scare me to death. We got the whole thing out luckily and I gave her strict instructions not to be playing in the woods during recess. Those things freak me out!!!

Tomorrow night the big cubbies are supposed to play however I am thinking that will be rained out, but we are practicing Sunday at 2:00 at our usual location, call me if you cant figure that out. This practice is very important so please everyone try to make it, we have alot to cover before monday nights game. We will be putting you guys in position and making out the batting order.

Other than that this weekend is gonna be a lazy one. I may do some yardselling on Saturday , pull out the baby clothes that I did not sell and see what I can make off of them. If you are interested stop on by!!! I better end for now, I have a 3 year old needing my company in the living room. Goodnight to all.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hump Day Play Day

Today was such a fun day, my awesome friend Brandy and her little boy Sebastian came over for a play day. We really didnt do a whole lot of nothing but sit around and talk, and the kids played. We also took them outside to blow bubbles, and that turned into a mess all in itself but was a blast!!! I love spending time with them, I wish so bad they would move closer to us!!!

Here are some pics from our exciting day-exciting becasue we rarely get out of pjs
Onto Cubbies news..we were supposed to have a game tuesday night-got rained out, our next one is friday night, Im already predicting a rainout. Next week we have games everynight but wed , please pray for us. See ya tomorrow!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kanman's new look

This past week the kids, me and my mom headed to St.Louis. I had shopping on the brain * imagine that* but the kids had the zoo and swimming on theirs. We shopped on thursday, my mom was so great to stay in the hotel for a while with Kanon and Ava and let me and Ady tear up the mall!!! We had a blast, was nice to have some alone time with Ady, I don't get much of that here lately. She took advantage of her mommy in justice, piling the clothes up in my arms , but she deserves it with all those good grades of hers :) That night we ate and I decided to run Kanon to the nearest MASTER CUTS and get that mop of his cut off *sniff sniff* He did awesome for his haircut, this was probably his 5th or 6th one now. His hair grows amazingly fast, and each time I do get it cut short it makes him look so different. It puts about 2 years onto him, he looks so much like a little boy right now. We went swimming that night in the hotel and then the zoo the next day... Mom and I were exhausted, we are so outta shape and pushing 2 strollers up and down hills were rough on us haha. We had a great time with the kids and they acted very good!! Here are some pics of Kanon's new do. I can't decide if I like it better long or short. PS Stellan was released from the hospital and is on his way home as we speak, GOD does answer prayers!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Love Brandy

Ok... we are home from our trip and exhausted..I will blog about the trip tomorrow..but for now I am enjoying sitting in my leather padded computer chair chatting with my bestest friend Brandy. Have I ever said how awesome she is? She is the best! And no you cant have her she is mine, I have claimed her forever! I met her 2 1/2 years ago when she came to bring her beautiful baby boy Sebastian in for pics for the first *OF MANY* times. I have now adopted Sebastian as my nephew and am so proud to be his Aunt Sarah :) Brandy loves my kiddos just as much as I love Sebastian. They have claimed her as Aunt Brandy and she is definately the best Aunt in all the land!!!!! She has the biggest heart and we have the most hilarious yet evil conversations. If we lived in the same town it would be bad news!!! Anyway onto my mushy part .. I am so thankful God brought her into my life, I SO BADLY needed her as my BFF, and I pray that we will still be having our evil conversations well into our 90's :) LOVE YA Brandy and Sebastian . Check out her blog she is a fantastic blogger too!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our Celebration for Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day everyone! Adyson is really into the earth, recycling and going GREEN! We decided to plan some flowers to celebrate the day. What a beautiful day it was!

We have a busy next few days planned, Ill post all about it when we get back :)

We have been practicing ball and preparing for the upcoming season. Our schedule is posted on we are teams number 6 -avas team and ady is number 22. So all you fans come out and support the CUBBIES!
Here are some random shots of Ava's practice, the 3 year old bunch. They are like little monkeys, so wild and full of energy!!!

It was a little chilly out there, but my girl made it to first base!

Run little Southern Belle!

Charly, Jagger, & Ava

Ava just after a hit, taking off to first!
Jagger sure does have the women!!!

Last but not least I have to put some pics of my Kanon, before practice the other day we had some play time, he loves playing out in the driveway pushing Ava's bikes, he likes the pink and the purple ones...silly boy. Here are some of the little dude.

Not sure if he could smile any bigger, silly guy!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What a boring day

Do not have ANYTHING to post about, we have had nothing but a lazy , lay around, chasing babies, fixing kids food, weekend! Ady is staying the night with my Mom tonight so the fighting has ceased between Ava and Ady for the evening. Kanon has been in bed since 7 so I have been laying in bed watching Jon and Kate plus 8 reruns and then the new GO GREEN Jon and Kate.

Got one funny story. I took the kids to Sonic early to get them one of the 1.00 Jr. Ice Cream thing, and got Kanon an ice cream in a cup. Well Ava ended up wanting to switch with Kanon b/c his was bigger, so no big deal we did. On the way home it was leaking all over, not sure if Ava bit a whole in it or what was going on but ice cream was dripping everywhere in the back seat. I told Ady to just toss it out-the ice cream that is, not littering b/c another animal could eat the ice cream! Anyway so Adyson gave it a good tossed and it hit the lower part of the window and splattered all over the inside of my car....Thanks Ady..your the best!!! I got very mad and made her clean it up with clorox wipes , took her about 30 minutes, when she came in I felt guilty but hey at least my car is not sticky anymore. Anyway will leave you with some pics of Kanon from yesterday, one is of his MEAN hateful look that he once in a while will give ya, and the next is of him cracking up.. He laughs so hard he can't breathe...its hilarious we call it his old man laugh. NO OFFENSE TO ANY OLD MEN WHO MAY BE READING THIS-you have such a cute laugh old men :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Book Worm

Ok, Im so not the book worm type..however when it comes to my reality tv show books, ex: Jon and Kate, Rev Run, The Duggars, Tori SPELLING! THen I become a worm..... So I bought the new Tori Spelling book called MOMMYWOOD and it was AWESOME.. Thats really all I have to blog about b/c thats all I did this weekend. Stayed up til 2 reading her book, finished it in less than 24 hours thank you very much. So the moral of this blog is to go out and buy the book and read it!!!!!

Ill leave you with a pic I found in my files today of Kanon and Maely. Giddy up little dawgies!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today we finally got to have ball practice for both teams, the rain stayed away...can you believe it? My mom came over to watch the Kanman and I took the girls to the field. Ava's practice was really not what I expected, I guess I wasnt thinking that much about it......however twelve 3 year olds are VERYYYYYY hard to control haha. Ava was in monster mode, was not into playing whatsoever. I kept pulling her aside trying to reason with her and she kept saying "IM JUST SO HUNGRY" ..thats all that girl thinks about is food.....Mcdonalds....brownies....Candy...she is a junk food junkie!!!
After Ava's practice I ran her home and came back for the 6-7 year olds which were PERFECT ANGELS compared to the 3 year olds!!! We had a great practice and I think we are off to a great start for our season. We have some awesome hitters on our team and these kids are not afraid of the ball at all. So watch out all you kids in the league b/c the Cubs are gonna dominate!!! Ok..maybe not dominate but I do think we will win more than lose this year!
On to other news, we had our first Parents as Teachers meeting this today with Miss Rhonda. First off was Ava.. she showed Miss Rhonda her strong will and how stubborn she can be, however she did show her smart side as well. Kanon was sweet as sugar and even told her "thank you" Good job lil man!!! We enjoyed Miss Rhonda so much and can't wait to see her again!
Im gonna get the kiddos in bed and watch my shows I recorded today and relax....Ill leave you with some shots of the girls before their practice..I did take my camera to the field but never got to take any because it was too crazy.. Goodnight All!!
Ava is so goofy!

Always the clown

Check out the muscles!

Silly girls

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Walkin on Sunshine!!!

Finally the sun came out! It has been such a dreary spring so far. I hope we at least get a few good weeks of spring before summer hits. I love spring weather!!! Summer is almost too hot but spring is perfect so I would love to be able to enjoy the mild temps before we get into the scalding hot ones! I took the kids outside when Adyson got home from school, we drug out all the riding toys. Kanon refused to get on his MANLY JOHN DEERE ATV, but instead wanted to push Avas purple bicycle with tassels and a horn. So macho Kanman!!! I tried several times picking him up and putting him on his ride and pushing him up the hill and down the hill but after I stepped away, he got down and crawled over to the bike and began his pushing game again......O'well my boy likes purple and pink....whats wrong with that?

How happy is this little man, with his sisters purple bike, it even has a place to put your baby dolls :)

"your so funny mama"

Watching his sisters act crazy
Ady got on the sit and spin, a fight is in the making!
Uh oh Kanon sees the fight, he thinks girls are so full of DRAMA!

Ava trying to push Ady right off of there!
Ady pushing Ava's buttons, poor little Ava...if we would just give her everything she wanted she would be the perfect child. hahah
Tomorrow we are FINALLY gonna get to have ball practice *knock on wood* We have scheduled it 3 times before and each time it has been rained out. I think I have told you guys I am coaching both Ady and Ava's team this year, and they both have practice tomorrow, so should be a busy busy afternoon for us. I will try to get some good pictures of them. Ta Ta for now!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reality Bytes

Ok, so me and my buddy Andrea always talk online, we have been MSN friends when we became pregnant, thats all we would do is shop, msn chat, shop, chat, shop, eat mini muffin tops, shop and chat some more. Then we had our beautiful kiddos ,Kanon and she had Maely...Kanon's woman. We have so much in common it is freaky....way freaky. We think alike, like the same stuff for our kids, and even feed them the same nutritional meals ;) OH OH and we have also typed the same exact things at the same exact time..I kid you not!!!! Another weird thing about us is she has 2 boys and a girl and I have 2 girls and a boy, and they are all real close in age. You can find her blog over on the side linked to mine, it is called 2 superheroes and a princess.

We were on here tonight trying to think of something to add to our blogs and we thought of doing some shots of something in our house, and she said tonight lets do the refridgerator. WITHOUT CLEANING THEM UP beforehand might I add... I bet your thinking, wow these two women have pretty boring lives to sit around thinking of silly stuff like this right? Or are you giddy to see what we have shot with our cameras? Please feel free to do a "Reality Bytes" on your own blogs as well, we will do this every Tuesday. READY SET HERE WE GO.
So it just looks like a regular fridge from the outside...a few handprints, smears and drips here and there....Typical fridge of a house full of toddlers.
Here is the side of my fridge, my KATE GOSSELIN Calendar that I love but haven't filled out for the month of April yet..hmmm I think ill wait til May. Then there is Adysons drawing from school that is about recycling. And some emergency contact numbers...

WOW It is the messiest fridge EVER.... Its crammed back full of goodness and badness....calories and fats and sugars OH MY. If you could only zoom in there you would see all the strawberries. Ava is going through a small strawberry addiction at the moment and I am supporting her habbit...hey at least its fruit!

As we move onto the freezer as you can see its still messy and out of order.. Just a bunch of frozen junk tossed about. Pizzas, TV dinners, nothing healthy..o wait I do see some corn in there. ATTENTION FOLKS....WE HAVE FOUND A VEGGIE!!!!!!

Some Lean pockets and frozen veggies

If you ever need some sausauge balls you know where to come right? And popscicles, french fries and can't see the rest its too crammed.

The fridge door.... OJ, condiments, whipped cream that Ady eats out of the can.
We have blue milk for the girls, and red milk for the Kanman. Snowcone juice in the back for fun spring/summer days.
The icemaker is screaming "SOMEONE DRINK SOME ICED BEVERAGES" He is overflowing!!! Think ill go get some water.
Had to open up the eggs for you guys and show you that these eggs arent regular THEY ARE EASTER EGGS....waiting on trash day so I can toss these babys out!

OK how was the peek into my fridge??? Boring? Funny? Stupid? All of the above... ? Does it make you wanna come over and organize me? Believe me it doesnt work..its been tried and it always goes back to looking like that. Ok all you bloggers, its time to show us your fridge as well, go take some pics and get to posting!!!!!
would like to give a shout out to brandy for all my layout needs, hahah and one to Josh and Anna Duggar on their pregnancy sure the one of many to come. Gotta love reality tv show as well as reality bytes right?

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today we broke out the dye and got busy. The girls had an absolute blast. Of course their mama went nuts in Walmart and bought every dye kit there so they had sand, paint, glitter, foil, and regular stuff. I have to say everything went smooth and no one got hurt, except a few eggs. I will post about Ady's date tomorrow, it went great by the way!!! But had to make sure I show you these EGGSCellent pictures on this Easter Eve. Happy Easter to all and to all a goodnight!!!
To see the rest of our EGG DYING adventures, I put the other thousand pics up on my facebook. Add me if you haven't already, I practically live there.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Had a very lazy day on this Good Friday, gave the kids some early presents, had an indoor egg hunt and finishing up the day with The Velveteen Rabbit and some popcorn. Tomorrow we are gonna drag out the dye and the eggs for some messy colorful fun, so stay tuned for some crazy pics!!!

oops forgot to add that Adyson gets to attend a private screening of Hannah Montana with her "boyfriend" Brandon. She has been counting the days down and has had her outfit picked out for the event. He is the sweetest little guy! My daughter has great taste!! He called her up on thursday and as I was snooping in on the conversation I overheard him say "will you go on a date with me?" Adyson replied "I would love to!!" Ill make sure to take a pic of the 2 when he picks her up tomorrow. Please check out Brandon's website at If you would like to help collect pulltabs for Brandon please put in a ziplock back and I can make sure his Mom gets them. Thanks!